Smetana International Piano Competition 24.4. - 30.4. 2023
Czech republic | Pilsen
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Sheet music B. Smetana

Sheet music B. Smetana

  • Czech dances

    Czech Dances (České tance) originated in the final years of Smetana´s life. He wrote his masterpieces in this period. Czech Dances are divided into two parts/series. The first series contains four polkas and the second series consists of ten dances: Furiant – A minor, The Little Hen (Slepička) – B flat major, Oats (Oves) – A flat major, The Bear (Medvěd) – C major, The Little Onion (Cibulička) – G major, Dupák – D major, The Uhlan (Hulán) – A major, Obkročák – E flat major, Sousedská – B major, Skočná – F major. They originated as the counterpart to Dvořák´s Slavonic Dances.

  •     1st line

  • Polka f sharp minor (pdf 1,9 MB)
    Polka f sharp minor
    Polka a minor (pdf 1,7 MB)
    Polka a minor
    Polka F major (pdf 2,3 MB)
    Polka F major
    Polka B flat major (pdf 2,0 MB)
    Polka B flat major
  •     2nd line

  • Furiant (pdf 3,7 MB)
    Slepička (pdf 2,7 MB)
    Medvěd (pdf 2,8 MB)
    Cibulička (pdf 2,5 MB)
    Dupák (pdf 2,9 MB)
    Hulán (pdf 2,3 MB)
    Obkročák (pdf 2,0 MB)
    Sousedská (pdf 2,2 MB)
    Skočná (pdf 2,9 MB)
  • Sketches

    Bedřich Smetana composed Sketches (Skizzen) while he was experiencing one of the hard periods of his life when three out of his four daughters died. He reacted to this tragical incident with a great piano work – Piano Trio in G minor.

  •     Op. 4

  • Preludium
    Idyll (pdf 0,6 MB)
    Souvenir (pdf 0,6 MB)
    Relentless Struggle
  •     Op. 5

  • Scherzo - polka
    Pleasant Countryside
    Rhapsody (Rhapsodie)
  • Bagatellas and impromptus

    They are small pieces of music, which Bedřich Smetana composed occasionally besides his study compositions – likewise, for example, Albumleaves (Stammbuch-Blätter) – while studying with Joseph Proksch.

  • Innocence (L´innocence)
    Desire (Le desir)
    Joy (La joie)
    Fairy Tale (Le conte)
    Love (L´amour) (pdf 0,6 MB)
    Love (L´amour)
    Discord (La discorde)
  • Dreams (Rêves)

    This is the cycle of six characteristic compositions, where both small and virtuosic compositions can be found. Bedřich Smetana composed this cycle in the final and grave years of his life when his musical work activity was complicated by health problems (illness, deafness).

  • Bygone Happiness (Le bonheur éteint)
    Consolation (La consolation)
    In the Salon (Au salon)
    In Bohemia (En Bohême: scène champêtre)
    By the Castle (Près du château)
    Celebration of the Bohemian Peasants (La fête des paysans bohémeins)
    Celebration of the Bohemian Peasants (La fête des paysans bohémeins)
  • Albumleaves (Stammbuch-Blätter)

    In the 40s and 50s of the 19th century Bedřich Smetana concentrated mainly on pedagogical work, thanks to which many instructive music works originated. Although these pieces of music were shorter, they were rich with atmosphere, impressions, compositional techniques and means of expression. Albumleaves belong among these works. Bedřich Smetana dedicated his first Albumleaves to Clara Schumann

  •     Albumleaves

  • Moderato B major
    Allegro A flat major
    Agitato E major
    Allegro comodo e minor
  •     Albumleaves op. 2

  • Preludium C major
    Moderato a minor (pdf 0,6 MB)
    Moderato a minor
    Vivace G major (pdf 1,0 MB)
    Vivace G major
    Allegro e minor
    Moderato con anima D major
  •     Albumleaves op. 3

  • To Robert Schumann (An Robert Schuman) E major
    Vanderer´s Song (Wanderlied) A major
    Es siedet und brauset C sharp minor
  • Six Characteristic Pieces (Six morceau caractéristiques)

    Bedřich Smetana dedicated this cycle, composed in 1848, to Ferenc Liszt, whom he knew, although not personally, and regarded him highly. Liszt spoke highly about the cycle and even recommended it for publishing. These are small programme compositions written at the time when Bedřich Smetana studied with Joseph Proksch.

  • In the Forest (Im Walde)
    Rising Passion (Erwachende Leidenschaft)
    The Shepherdess (Das Schäfermädchen)
    Desire (Die Sehnsucht)
    Desire (Die Sehnsucht)
    The Warrior (Der Krieger)
    Desperation (Die Verzweiflung)
  • Three Salon Polkas (Trois polkas de salon)

    Three Salon Polkas are small polkas dedicated to Kateřina Kolářová (Smetanová), Bedřich Smetana´s wife.

  • Allegro comodo F sharp major
    Allegro comodo F sharp major
    Moderato f minor
    Moderato f minor
    Allegretto E major
    Allegretto E major
  • Three Poetic Polkas (Trois polkas poétiques)

    Small compositions that Bedřich Smetana dedicated to his student Matylda Bellot.

  • Vivo E flat major (pdf 0,7 MB)
    Vivo E flat major
    Meno allegro g minor
    Allegro A major
  • Souvenir of Bohemia in Polka Form (Souvenir de Bohême en forme de polkas)

    Bedřich Smetana composed Souvenir of Bohemia in Polka Form in Sweden. He brilliantly expressed his homesickness this way.

  •     Op. 12

  • Molto moderato a minor
    Moderato e minor
  •     Op. 13

  • Moderato e minor (pdf 0,6 MB)
    Moderato e minor
    Allegro tempo rubato E flat major
  • Études

  • Concert-Étude (Konzert-Etüde) C major

    This Étude is a technically very demanding composition, in which two basic ideas – motifs alternate and intertwine.

    Concert –Étude On the Seashore

    Bedřich Smetana created this composition not only as a brilliant piece of music for his concert performances, but also as a reminiscence of the stay in Sweden. The sound of the sea, waves striking the seashore can be heard in the whole composition.

    Concert –Étude On the Seashore
  • Indiviudal compositions

  • Macbeth/Macbeth and the Witches

    The composition originated during the so-called Swedish period when Smetana lived in Göteborg. At that time Smetana inclined to the new romanticism, more complicated harmony and more daring means of expression

    Macbeth/Macbeth and the Witches
    Concert Fantasia on Czech Folksongs

    For this composition Smetana used songs from the collections of Karel Jaromír Erben and Jan Pavel Martinovský. He connects folksongs and an excellent technique in this work

    Louisen – Polka

    Young Smetana composed this polka during his stay at his relatives in Nové Město nad Metují. His cousin Louisa inspired him to write this small polka.

    Georginen – Polka

    This is a musical expression of the joy of a Jiřinková slavnost (Dahlia Festival) and ball in Česká Skalice. Dahlia Festival was a festival, where dahlias were on display. The gardeners were awarded with the prize for the most beautiful flowers. The exhibition was followed by a ball

    From my Student Life“ Polka (Aus dem Studentleben)

    Technically not demanding composition is a reminiscence of Smetana´s student life.

    “Souvenir of Pilsen“ Polka (Erinnerung an Pilsen)

    One of the early dance compositions. Bedřich Smetana dedicated it to Kateřina Kolářová (Smetanová).

    Bettina Polka

    Smetana composed this polka for his second wife Bettina Ferdinand when he lived in Sweden.

    Ball Vision

    This composition was written during Smetana´s Swedish period. Smetana was inspired by the girl Fröjda Beneck, with whom he fell in love at one of the balls, where he was a frequent guest.