Smetana International Piano Competition 24.4. - 30.4. 2023
Czech republic | Pilsen
image with artdirection

Results of the 34th

Results of the 34th

34th Smetana International Piano Competition
member of EMCY
member of Alink-Argerich Foundation

Plzen, Czech Republic, April 22 - 26, 2023

Results of the 1st category

Stefanov Denis Ukrajina / Ukraine 1. cena / 1 st Prize
Mkhitaryan Ashot Kazachstán / Kazakhstan 2. cena / 2nd Prize 
Mužíková Adéla ČR / Czech republic3. cena / 3rd Prize 
Kadaste Markus Estonsko / Estonia 3. cena / 3rd Prize

Wang Eva Rakousko / Austria Čestné uznání / Certificate of Merit

Results of the 2nd category

Lišková Veronika ČR / Czech republic 1. cena / 1st Prize
Gallová Tereza ČR / Czech republic 1. cena / 1st Prize
Matějíček Kryštof ČR ČR / Czech republic 2. cena / 2nd Prize
3. cena / 3rd Prize – neudělena/ not awarded

Koudelková Magdalena ČR / Czech republic Čestné uznání / Certificate of Merit
Hampl Matěj ČR / Czech republic Čestné uznání / Certificate of Merit

Davgadorj Tankhiluun Mongolsko / Mongolia
Kittel Vít ČR / Czech republic
Konečná Anežka ČR / Czech republic
Nováková Pavla ČR / Czech republic

Results of the 3rd category

Praženica Pavol Slovensko / Slovakia 1. cena / 1 st Prize
Strejcová Eva ČR / Czech republic 2. cena / 2nd Prize
Gaálová Anna ČR / Czech republic 2. cena / 2nd Prize
Šabík Matej Slovensko / Slovakia 3. cena / 3rd Prize